It’s time for Sonderling Sunday – that time of the week when I play with language by looking at the German translation of children’s books.
Today I’m back to the book I love so much in English, Shannon Hale‘s Book of a Thousand Days, Das Buch der Tausend Tage.
Last time I looked at this book, I left off ready to begin Tag 33.
This is a random sentence, early on, that I think could be handy to know:
“Or was it right to let her sleep?”
= Oder war es richtig, sie schlafen zu lassen?
Here’s another good sentence:
“You’re an antelope who bounds through life.”
= Ihr seid eine Antilope, die durchs Leben hüpft.
“feverish hot” = lichterloh
And who knows but when you might need to say this?
“Your ankles are skinnier than a jackrabbit’s ribs.”
= Eure Knöchel magerer sind als die Rippen eines Hasen.
“trying to hold in the laugh made me snort like a camel”
= das unterdrückte Lachen brach sich in einem kamelartigen Schnauben Bahn
I like the way this sounds:
“didn’t want to wake the guards”
=die Wachen nicht wecken wollte
“How my side ached!”
= Ich hatte solches Seitenstechen!
“laughing with” = herumzualbern (Google: “fool around”)
“my skin tingling” = einem Prickeln auf der Haut
There’s a special word for tears of laughter:
“I’d wiped the tears from my face”
= ich mir die Lachtränen abgewischt hatte
(“I from myself the laugh-tears wiped had.”)
“wild dog” = Wildhund (Nothing surprising there, but always fun to say.)
“crazy” = wahnwitzig
I always like the long words:
“sword practice” = Schwertkampftraining
“swimming while dry” = trockenen Körpers schwimmen
“shy” = schüchtern
“ease suffering” = lindern Leiden
“resting my head on my hands” = stützte den Kopf in die Hände
“squinting” = mit zusammengekniffenen Augen
“something furry that mewed”
= etwas Flauschiges Maunzendes
“riverbed clay” = Lehm im Flussbett
And this one rhymes:
“heartache” = Herzschmerz
That’s it for Day 33. May you never know Herzschmerz and may the only tears you know be Lachtränen.
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